PinnedObservations From The Planet ZitbugRecently, an alien by the name of Soryhti from the planet Zitbug (located 4 kiloclicks from the outskirts of the Wayfroid Galaxy) watched…May 29, 20201May 29, 20201
Just Another Lazy July Afternoonby Jerry Kent (a guest author on my Medium channel)Dec 22, 2024Dec 22, 2024
I Woke Up on a Train One DayI don’t know why I’ m sitting on this train. I’m a bit freaked out. I remember waking up at some point to go to the bathroom in my house…Apr 4, 2024Apr 4, 2024
Zleb Ullitx’s Life Experience on EarthMy name is Zleb Ullitx. I am writing this post as I recover from my human experience. I have spent a long period of years on a planet…Apr 2, 2024Apr 2, 2024
A Salad at Denny’s, a Half-Naked Woman and a Man with a PickaxeOnce upon a time I had a fantasy, except, to this day, I’m not sure if it was real or something that may have happened when someone placed…Apr 1, 2024Apr 1, 2024
I Was A Paper Boy Once A Long Time AgoI was 13 years old. My father had just died, my mother had her hands full with 5 kids (ages 6 to 15) and we were in dire straits. But each…Jul 20, 2023Jul 20, 2023
Every day is September 10th.September 11th is one of those days you can’t possibly forget. You remember where you were and what you were doing when it happened.Jul 19, 20232Jul 19, 20232
An Inconvenient DoppelgangerThe 500/300 Writing Project Imagination Workout.Jun 14, 20231Jun 14, 20231
Mornings Like This is What Makes Life Interesting; I Think You’ll AgreeAbout 10 years ago, I was in the kitchen making some breakfast for myself. It was a bright, sunny morning. I started the day with a spring…Apr 7, 2023Apr 7, 2023